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Writer's pictureGeneration Patriot

Feminism's Racist Roots

You're probably thinking: You're a woman, and you disagree with feminism?! Let me explain. Throughout my life as a woman in the United States, we’ve been taught that any effort made to change the inequality of the sexes MUST be labeled "courageous, brave, and essential". I think we can all agree, the traditional feminist movement has been labeled these things and rightfully so. But was it "essential" and helpful to the overall population of women? Not exactly. Back when feminism gained leeway, it was to protect WHITE women. I recently had the pleasure of reading Candace Owen’s new book Blackout. In her book, she talks about black history and the horrible Democratic Party who has affected the black population in the worst ways possible. She has a whole chapter called “On Feminism”, and she talks about the true racist history of women’s suffrage. Here I will paraphrase her writing and give a short explanation why the Feminist movement comes from a racist upbringing.

After the Civil War, black men were on a mission to gain their rights, especially their right to vote. Black women knew that they weren't gaining this right as long as men of their "social standing" were not getting any benefits either. With that being said, they weren't concerned about themselves, rather someone from the black community having a say in this democratic process. While this was happening, white women decided it was their turn to chime in and discuss why they should have rights before any black person. People like Rebecca Latimer Felton was one of these women. Being from a home who owned slaves and was married to a slave owner, she clearly had her opinions on black people. She believed that before any black man gets the right to vote, white women should be accommodated first. In her own words, “If it needs lynching to protect woman’s dearest possession from the ravening human beasts, then I say lynch, a thousand times a week if necessary”. It is clear that the intentions of the traditional feminist movement had traces of racism, which has made a stain on the relationship between black people and white liberal women.

This tainted connection between the two groups goes even further. #MeToo is a perfect example of this racism, since it also connects to the ridiculous idea of “Believe All Women”. Sound familiar? That's because that same slogan was used in the mid-1900's against black men like Emmett Till. A white woman named Carolyn Bryant lied about an interaction with Till, who was just 14 at the time. She claimed he whistled and touched her dress, something that would get a black man killed instantly at that time. He admitted to whistling since he stuttered and couldn’t get words out to get people’s attention easily. But he did not touch her, he did not flirt with her, and he didn’t deserve to die for it. When Till was savagely killed by two white men and thrown into the river, it was in that very moment that we saw the real terror of racism. White men were adamant about protecting their innocent white women that they would do so by any means necessary. It didn’t matter that she LIED in the end, which she admitted to doing 60 years later, simply because he was black and wanted to make a scene. But go ahead, “Believe All Women”, regardless of the blatant lies they tell and the malicious intent behind their accusations.

I know this is a small amount of information for the topic at hand. I could write pages on why this movement comes from racist roots. For now, I’d like to thank Candace Owens for this valuable information and giving me the opportunity to spread the truth. I hope you found this article interesting and useful. Please leave comments on other topics you’d like us to cover! Stand your ground, patriots.

Over and out

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