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Writer's pictureThe Wyoming Patriot

What can I personally do to limit the reaches of Leftism?

Updated: Jan 27, 2021

In a time when Big Tech and democrats are conniving in order to drag our rights and liberties straight to the chopping block, and when the “President-elect” (I know he didn’t win, you know he didn’t win, even the Democratic politicians know he didn’t win. It’s a joke) is crying for unity, while at the same time promising federal relief to small businesses if they are minority or female owned (even more evidence that those on the Left don’t know the meaning of words like “racism” and “sexism”), it is imperative that us conservatives (read as “public enemy number one”) find the strength that we need to resist the monopolies that the shutdowns due to the Kung-flu have caused. I have been reflecting a lot over the events of the past few months, and the unfortunate truth is that the Left “won” by being loud and unified (they were only unified by their hate for Trump, but it was enough to consolidate them as a painfully large and obnoxious group).

If we want to keep our rights, we have to fight for them. There is no other option, and the main takeaway from the past year, especially the past few weeks, is that our rights are no longer guaranteed. It’s definitely a scary thought, but I hope it will serve as a wake up call to those of you who still believe it will miraculously get better. It may get better, but it’s going to get worse before it does, and we will have to unify as the 75,000,000+ Americans who still have morals, believe in freedom and personal responsibility, and who know which bathroom to use.

We have been receiving a lot of questions the past few weeks with the common theme of “what can I be doing right now?”. We know that the Right lacks organization compared to the Left; we hope to provide organization in any way that we can. Here, we have compiled a list of steps that each of you can take in order to ensure that those of us on the Right remain a force to be reckoned with. We hope that you all will spread this like wildfire to do your part in keeping the conservative vision alive and well in the years to come.

  • Here are the names of the Republicans in the House who voted for Trump’s (second fake) impeachment. Call their offices and write them letters reminding them that they were elected to work for the people. Stop donating. Encourage challenger candidates. Get them out (also do this to RINO Senators and governors).

  • We cannot emphasize the importance of this point enough: get to know your local small business owners, and use your shopping money to support them. They need it right now more than anybody. Amazon does not need your money, and you should not want to give Amazon your money.

  • Building off of our last point, conservatives are the most successful when they implement grassroots campaigns. Personally get to know your neighbors and your local small business owners. Build support networks by building trust. Organize local events that are specifically tailored to supporting both small businesses and community values. Organizing local conservative organizations will also be of utmost importance in the near future, as conservatives are increasingly censored on the media.

  • Stay true to your values, and spread your patriotism to all that you touch. Do not let the Left win. By taking out our tongues, they are trying to take out our movement. Keep flying your Trump flags, Gadsden flags, American flags, and especially your “Biden is not a legitimate President” flags (our new personal favorites).

  • If you have the ability to build and support a conservative platform, do it. We must become technologically independent from the left, and we must be loud.

  • Learn to grow some of your own food. Organize a neighborhood/community garden. Not only is it a great way to become less dependent on commercial chains like Walmart, but it is also a great way to connect with neighbors and to remember how things are supposed to be. “Liberalism” is not natural; we must remember where we came from, and must never forget to appreciate the rewards that hard work can reap.

  • Make sure that you have more of an influence on your child than your child’s teacher does. A wonderful way to encourage this is to take your child outdoors on the weekends for some family and history time. Instill family values within them, and teach them our history. Teach them to think for themselves, and to be proud of this country. Abraham Lincoln and George Washington are American heroes, and your child should not have to apologize for their race; your child will not hear that in their school.

  • Sign up to be an election judge/poll watcher. Call out any funny business. If things looks suspicious, record it. As this past election has showed, the evidence of cheating may not amount to anything, but the more shareable and obvious evidence there is, the more people that will finally wake up.

  • Last, but most importantly, be willing to do something. Don’t just read this list and then move on with your day. We challenge each and every one of you to 1) pick at least one thing from this list that you will be committed towards acting out, and 2) send this list on to all of your like-minded friends.

- Generation Patriot

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