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Writer's pictureGeneration Patriot

Keeping the Flames of Patriotism Alive

You’re probably here right now because you are looking for news updates. We get it. Big Tech and the mainstream media have effectively shut down the oases of conservative information and networks that were available to us, leaving us all grasping at any droplet of information that we can find, especially as it seems as though we are watching both the U.S. and the rest of the world plunge into chaos. As we have found ourselves in the midst of conservatives flocking to apps such as Gab, Telegram, and CloutHub in droves, we would like to address a key concern that we have noticed.

We believe in free speech. We have fought viciously for free speech. We will continue to fight ruthlessly for free speech. However, there is a significant difference between free speech and false information. Emotions are very high right now. We get that. That being said, it is important that we all practice critical thinking and discernment when choosing what information to believe when reading articles online. Gab, Telegram, and CloutHub are wonderful resources for connecting with other conservatives; that does not mean that the information presented there is credible. We recommend giving precedence to evidence that you can see with your own eyes, meaning videos, photos, and alerts from credible sources. Sign up for email lists and news alerts from Newsmax, OANN, Donald Trump Jr. You get the gist. If we blindly follow all information that we are receiving, we are playing right into what the Left wants, which is to throw us on the Right into chaos and disarray. We will do our part to only report on information that has been backed with hard first-person evidence, or that comes from credible sources. We merely aim to offer guidance; we are not experts with inside information into the workings of our current government.

We also want to talk about the importance of keeping patriotism alive in times like these. The Left is trying to annihilate us; we won’t let them. Form local groups with family, friends, and neighbors. Join and create conservative chats with people online. Know who your friends are. No matter what the real news is, we know that these are unprecedented times, and we must exercise both strength and caution. The time to be quiet has passed; be LOUD. Fly your “Trump” and Gadsden Flags. Join the new conservative apps, and send your favorite websites and groups to your family and friends. We also recommend looking into the United Patriot Party. The GOP has let us down time and time again, and right now we work for them; it is high time that we all support a platform that will turn that dynamic around. We will not bend, and we will not break. We will keep the essence of patriotism alive, and will fan the flames until they once again ignite to a blaze. Gently guide those in your life who have yet to see the truth. We must stand united behind God, the United States Constitution, and our love for this country.

Until we are back on Parler, please help us spread our conservative message by joining our site and our Telegram, and please email and text our links to your family and friends.

God bless you all,

Generation Patriot

85 views3 comments


Sheila Allen
Sheila Allen
Jan 12, 2021

Thank you for the platform & the info on turning off automatic updates on my Apple phone👍


Jan 12, 2021 has been breached someway. I’m getting Islamic Ads on FB .. OAN ( I have an Apple phone) won’t open. I’ve got Newsmax on tv.. Just an FYI !!! 👍👍👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Jason Lopes
Jan 12, 2021

Thanks for the platform 👍🏻 🇺🇸

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