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Writer's pictureD.A

Why The Democratic Party is RACIST.

Updated: Nov 24, 2020

Democrats are the party of racism.

When you think of a party filled with tolerance, love, acceptance, unity, and equality, people tend to think of the Democratic party. This facade they have placed through media bias, brainwashing, and false narratives was created to break down opposing viewpoints and stay in power. As they preach “everyone is welcome, there are no labels here!”, it seems as though that only applies to people who agree with them.

As a conservative woman, I have been called every name in the book: racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, bigoted, and any other name these intolerant children can come up with. The most-popular label I receive is “racist bigot”. Do they forget their party’s racist upbringing? Let me tell you why this label is the most hypocritical thing any leftist can say.

To begin, let’s do a deep-dive into the history of the Democratic party. The party was founded in January of 1828 by Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren. Andrew Jackson's racist background is one to highlight. Before creating the official Democratic party, he was well known for his initiative of removing American Indian tribes. This moment in history is known as the “Trail of Tears”. By doing this, he “persuaded the tribes, by fair means or foul, to sell to the United States a major portion of their lands in the Southeast, including a fifth of Georgia, half of Mississippi, and most of the land area of Alabama". As many analysts of Jackson’s actions have pointed out, this was not simply to help the United States prosper, but it was also for personal gain, such as financial benefits and the growth of white supremacy. In that bigoted choice to remove Natives from their rightful home, the Trail of Tears killed 4,000-8,000 Natives.

From that point on, Former President Jackson and his Vice President Van Buren's goal was to “open up more land for cultivation by slave plantations. He owned hundreds of slaves, and in 1835 worked with his postmaster general to censor anti-slavery mailings from northern abolitionists”, quoted by (interesting that they’re the source calling out Jackson’s behavior. Would they say any of it if they knew he was a Democrat? They didn’t mention that ONCE in the article). It is clear that at the time that Democrats wanted to gain power in order to benefit themselves and people who agreed with them. Sound familiar? Let’s fast forward.

Democrats continued to show the same bigotry throughout their party history. Hold tight libtards, this one’s gonna sting. Let’s start with the Civil Rights Movement. The Civil Rights Act was the act proposed to remove segregation and discrimination of minorities. Did your brainwashing-liberal professor tell you that the act was pushed through Congress by the Republican Party? Didn’t think so. The filibuster to stall this act was put in place by Al Gore and Robert Byrd, two Democratic congressmen. You might know Robert Byrd for his work with the KKK as a recruiter.

Democrats want to keep minorities on a platform of inferiority and victimhood. If they didn’t they would use the color of people’s skin as a reason to vote for them. We’ve seen this from the Democrats plenty of times in any race for power. Funny thing, Republicans NEVER use minorities as a pawn in their games. Democrats thrive on this feeling of victimhood and inferiority. They preach “you’re oppressed, you’re a victim, you’re inferior because of your skin color”. After that pathetic lecture, they then create false promises in making sure these “issues” are resolved. In every corrupt city there is a Democrat in power. Keep voting them in with their false promises. The chaos will continue. They think you’re stupid. They think you’ll believe anything. They mock you. You’re better than that.

This idea of wanting to keep minorities oppressed can be seen with their affiliations with racist organizations. One I’d like to highlight is Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is a organization that primarily is known for their abortion clinics. The founder, Margaret Sanger is one of the most racist human beings in history. Don’t believe me? Here’s a quote from Sanger as she spoke to Dr. CJ Gamble:

“We don’t want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.”

They target minorities. 79% of these clinics are placed within walking distance of communities with high minority populations. 15.5 million African-Americans abortions were performed, which is a larger number than all the deaths of Black people due to AIDS, violent crimes, accidents, cancer and heart disease combined, according to Illinois Right to Life. Additionally, Wall Street Journal pointed out that in New York, there are more black babies aborted that are born every single year. Planned Parenthood enables this crime to happen every single day. They also opposed legislation that would protect infants born alive after failed abortions and also tried to derail an anti-human trafficking bill. Who do you think they endorsed during the 2020 Election? You guessed it! The bigot himself, Mr. Joe Biden.

Joe Biden has said so many controversial things it is hard to keep track. So instead, let me just list some of the bigoted things he has said throughout his political career:

  1. “Poor kids can be just as bright as white kids”

  2. “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black”

  3. “You got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” (That’s in reference to President Obama.)

  4. “Unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things.”

  5. “In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

Do not be fooled. Liberals want to demean minorities to stay in power. Republicans work hard to show the importance of hard work to achieve anything you dream of. They don’t put you down using false information to keep you as the victim. If you think you’re a victim, you’re letting them win. Don’t fall for it.

- D.A.


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2 comentários

Kayleigh McGorza
Kayleigh McGorza
24 de nov. de 2020

dictionary definition of hypocrites


Lindsay Parker
Lindsay Parker
20 de nov. de 2020

can't wait to send this to my liberal family

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