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Writer's pictureGeneration Patriot

Why What Happened at the Capitol Today is Symbolically Important

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants”. That is a phrase that was first coined by Thomas Jefferson in 1787, and is one that has been repeated frequently by angered supporters of President Trump over the past few months. As I watched with awe as patriots not only breached the doors of the Capitol, but infiltrated deep into its chambers, not only entering offices of top government officials, but storming the floors of the Senate chamber, I was rendered utterly speechless. Not because I was looking on in horror; I was impressed, and proud to be an American.

Before I get a lot of backlash, let me clear up some points: first, the protestors today did not incite violence against other protestors, nor did they aim to harm any individuals. The unfortunate casualty that occurred today was committed by a Capitol police officer; the patriots inside of the Capitol were unarmed. Secondly, the more “violent” acts have been shown to have been committed by Antifa members disguised as Trump supporters, and we condemn Antifa’s actions and what they stand for whole-heartedly. I would also like to point out that President Trump condemned all incidences of violence that occurred today, which is something that Joe Biden was unable to do over the summer when Black Lives Matter ravaged cities across the country.Did some of the protesters damage property? Yes, doors and windows inside of the Capitol building were damaged. But isn’t that exactly what top democratic officials told supporters of the far-left terrorist organization, Black Lives Matter, to do over the summer? Unlike BLM, the actions taken by the patriots at the Capitol today had a Constitutional reason; to demonstrate that we will not roll over and accept tyranny by our government, which is exactly what has occurred over the course of the past two months, as we just experienced an illegitimate election that was fraught with blatant fraud.

For a brief reminder of some U.S. history, the Second Amendment, the one we love and cherish dearly, was created with the intent to protect the citizens from their government, should the government turn tyrannical. As one of the protesters at the Capitol claimed today, “We have every right to do this; this is the ‘People's House’, and we paid for all of it”. BLM spent an entire summer inciting violence and burning down property; there was no rampant property damage today, and there was no intent to harm individuals. What the protesters at the Capitol accomplished today was far more effective than anything that occurred over the course of the summer. In the span of a few hours, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who has deep ties to the far left and the CCP, had her computer files copied and hard-drive removed. The Speaker’s podium was also symbolically extracted from the Capitol today. In recent years, our government has become far too familiar with the power that we the people have given them; in turn, we the people have forgotten what it means to protect our rights. Our nation was founded by patriots who were devoted to resisting tyranny; isn’t that exactly what occurred today? We showed the government that they are not untouchable. We the people cannot stand for corruption and brainwashing, and what occurred today was a reminder that we the people are willing to fight back. Symbolically, what occurred today was necessary to demonstrate to our government and our media that the communist brainwashing tactics that they are attempting to employ on the American people are not American; standing up for your rights and freedom is.

In the past six months alone, we have been subject to unconstitutional shutdowns by hypocritical governors and mayors; we have had our small businesses damaged beyond repair, either by shutdowns, looting, or both; we have had our religion laughed upon by the Left (“amen and a-women”); we have had our voting rights taken away from us by unconstitutional practices employed by the Democrats; we have had our voices restricted due to media censorship; we have had our children brainwashed with liberal indoctrination through the education system; and we have had our identities laughed upon with the removal of all gendered-language from House rules (which is just the beginning of what will come under rule from the Left) . With

a future looking increasingly bleak by the minute, I cannot stress enough the importance of standing our ground. The more rights we allow them to take, the bloodier the battle will be in the future.

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