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Writer's pictureThe Wyoming Patriot

A Letter to our Fellow Conservative Students

Updated: Jan 27, 2021

We’ve seen our base experience explosive growth over the past few weeks, and for that we could not be more grateful. However, we’d like to take a moment to address our own demographic: the conservative students who follow us. This one is for the students who would rather be outside than on social media. For the students whose ideal Friday night is spent around a bonfire, rather than at a party. For the students who would rather be with their family than burning down cities. For the students who just want an education without having to sit through a class with classmates and an instructor who slander them and all that they stand for. We get how bad it is, because we have been living it right there with you. To share a bit of my own story, in recent weeks I have been doxxed. I have been slandered. I have been harassed, and I have been threatened. My spring semester hasn’t even started yet, and my peers have already threatened to rat me out for my "terroristic" beliefs to my new professors. I have found myself demoralized, and through conversations with my friends, I have found that they all share similar sentiments of defeat. However, I want to offer some words of encouragement. This is for the students that are just like me.

The best part of getting to run a platform like this is getting to meet fellow patriots from across the country, and getting to learn about their stories. Perhaps the greatest takeaway that I have garnered over the past few months is that we are greater than the fake news media has made us out to be. We do need unity, but not with the Left; we need unity amongst ourselves. As students facing a common threat. As patriots who wish to celebrate and defend our rights. Contrary to what the Leftist media will have us believe, we DO have a voice, and we CAN be effective. I had a professor last semester who lobbed baseless attacks at President Trump’s sanity almost every class. I recorded the parts of class where such absurd claims were made, and I submitted an anonymous report to my extremely liberal college’s student services. Near the end of the semester, my professor had to issue a full apology to the whole class for “discriminating” and “ostracizing” views against some of the students in the class who did happen to support President Trump. In fact, the whole reason this account came to fruition was due to disgust with the liberal education system- we simply needed a place to vent, and wanted to provide a place where conservative students could come to feel a little less alone.

Most days while on our campuses and in our classrooms, we feel alone. We feel trapped, and cornered. We feel small, and without a voice. I have frequently joked throughout the past ten months that I may be the only college student who is thankful that campus is closed due to the virus. However, with the events of this past semester in particular, I am committed to providing a voice to students just like me who are located all over the country. Where my current credits stand, I only have three semesters of college left, but my goals expand far beyond that. I'm not only doing this for students my age; I'm doing it for all future students. I've seen the swamp that is the current education system first hand, and I know how dangerous it is. Crippling mental illness (see my piece on "transpeciesism" for more details) is celebrated, but conservative students are battered and beat down. I've been called "homophobic" simply for not being a homosexual. I've been told that I can't rule out being a homosexual until I've tried it (!!!). I've had old peers, who I had personally tutored for the duration of high school, tell me that my high school and college accolades needed to be stripped from my name, as I must certainly have "cheated" my way into them, much like my "President Cheeto" (they have such a way with words, don't they?). Navigating the current education system as a conservative is tiptoeing over a landmine. Anything that you say can and will be used against you. You have to have thick skin, and even with thick skin, it is utterly exhausting. So I just want to say to my fellow students out there: we hear you, we see you, and we are like you. If you ever need to talk to us, our DMs are open. One of our goals going forward is to continue to expose the hypocrisy for what it is. Just know that there are millions of students just like you; and you need to find them. Form group chats as support networks. Band together with the other conservatives at you schools to file complaints, and reports. For the time being, we do have libel, slander, and defamation laws. Together we can work on draining the swamp that is the education system. We hope you will continue to support both our platform and the other conservative students in your life. To our graduated readers who are reading this: we thank you for supporting us, ask you to share this with the conservative students in your life, and ask you to consider doing something nice for those same conservative students; they do not have it easy.

We have been largely de-platformed in recent days, so if you made it this far, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you for helping us to keep the conservative message alive.


Generation Patriot Admin

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